The Daily Heron: New Digs For Alonzo and a Friendlier Ft. Lauderdale

It’s time again for your quasi-daily dose of all the headlines you might of missed related to Inter Miami with The Daily Heron.
Former Inter Miami boss Diego Alonzo has found himself a new landing spot after resigning from the Uruguay National Team.
Former Inter Miami boss Diego Alonzo has found himself a new landing spot after resigning from the Uruguay National Team. | PABLO PORCIUNCULA/GettyImages
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It’s been a bit since I sat down and examined all the national and international headlines surrounding the greatness that is Inter Miami.

Now that the Herons are out of the MLS Cup playoffs, the headlines will go one of two ways: excessively silly or ridiculously mundane.

Of course, I could be wrong on both counts.

Let’s get into today’s headlines.